
Speech Code Rating

Campus Climate Incident Response Team

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  • Speech Code Category
    Policies on Bias and Hate Speech
  • Last Updated
Bias incident An offense which may not reach the threshold of criminality yet manifests evidence of the perpetrator’s bias against the victim because of his/her actual or perceived race; gender; gender identity; religion; sexual orientation; ethnicity; national origin, or disability of criminality…

Student Handbook: Student Organizations and Campus Events Guidelines- Poster and Banner Regulations

  • Policy Rating
  • Speech Code Category
    Posting and Distribution Policies
  • Last Updated
Individuals and organizations are expected to use good judgment and civility when posting information. ... All recognized student organizations must submit posters, banners and all other marketing materials (including apparel designs see the Apparel Guidelines on the SAIL web- site) to the…

Trinity College Policy on Sexual Harassment: Hostile Environment Sexual Harassment

  • Policy Rating
  • Speech Code Category
    Harassment Policies
  • Last Updated
Examples of behavior that might be considered hostile environment sexual harassment include, but are not limited to: 1. Unwanted sexual innuendo, propositions, sexual attention, or suggestive comments and gestures; inappropriate humor about sex or gender-specific traits; sexual slurs or derogatory language directed…

Student Handbook: College Policies- Policy Statement on Discrimination, General Harassment and Abuse, Sexual Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct

  • Policy Rating
  • Speech Code Category
    Harassment Policies
  • Last Updated
Discriminatory harassment is harassment based on race, ethnic or national origin, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, color, gender expression, or gender identity. Discriminatory harassment includes conduct specifically directed at an individual or a small group of individuals and expresses hatred or contempt…

Student Handbook: The Bantam Network Residential Learning Community Policies and Guidelines- Communal Principles of Our Residential Learning Communities

  • Policy Rating
  • Speech Code Category
    Posting and Distribution Policies
  • Last Updated
Pictures and other materials that may be considered to be objectionable are subject to removal in areas that may be visible outside a room/suite/apartment in a residential building (e.g., directly in windows, exteriors of doors, etc.).

Trinity College Policy on Sexual Harassment: Title IX Sexual Harassment

  • Policy Rating
  • Speech Code Category
    Harassment Policies
  • Last Updated
The Title IX regulations define “sexual harassment” as conduct on the basis of sex that must satisfy one or more of the following: a. Hostile environment sexual harassment: Unwelcome conduct determined by a reasonable person to be so severe, pervasive, and objectionably…