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Radio Station Dubs UVa's 'Green Light' One of the Most Significant Stories of 2010

FIRE's involvement with University of Virginia earning a green-light rating was mentioned on by Rick Sincere, former chair of the Libertarian Party of Virginia, as one of his most significant news stories of 2010:

When President Teresa Sullivan took over as president of the University of Virginia, she quietly changed some regulations in the student handbook dealing with free speech policies at the instigation of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (֭; thefire.org). Adam Kissel ... came here to speak in April with the FIREfor Individual Liberty and it happened that one of the deans was there and heard his talk. Adam ... named a number of reasons why UVa's speech policies in terms of students needed to be changed, and they went to him for advice and they followed it. As a result, UVa is now a freer place for students to participate in First Amendment activities.

The podcast of the radio broadcast can be found on the Charlottesville Podcasting Network, with this excerpt coming at 25 minutes in.

FIRE, student groups, faculty and staff members, and others can host a FIREspeaker through the Campus Freedom Network, and hopefully your school will choose to reform its speech codes, too.

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