Villanova University
Private University
Villanova, Pennsylvania
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Student Handbook: Posting Notice
With respect to informing the University community of various lectures and programs by means of posters or flyers, the following criteria have been established. Posters announcing an approved University or student group sponsored event will be approved provided the criteria set forth…
Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Report a Climate Concern
Completing one of the forms below will enable you to describe an incident of climate concern—providing our University with a very important tool to become the inclusive and respectful Villanova University community that we want to be. Once you click “Submit” on…
Student Handbook: Residence Life Policies - Decorations
Room decorations may not impede or disrupt an educationally purposeful residential environment, and should align with the University’s values of mutual love and respect. No decoration should discriminate, intimidate, threaten, harass, or harm others on the basis of race or ethnicity, gender…
Student Handbook: Residence Life Policies - Relational Expectations
FIREwho choose to reside in the residence halls enter into a voluntary community and, in doing so, are expected to treat one another with "mutual love and respect" in the spirit of St. Augustine. Consistent with the Code of Student Conduct…
Residence Life Policies
All advertising prepared for distribution or posting in the residence halls must be stamped “Approved for Posting” by the appropriate University department and must be posted in appropriate designated areas within the residence halls. With the exception of floor/building notifications posted by…
Non-Solicitation Policy
Solicitation includes canvassing, soliciting or seeking to obtain membership in or support for any organization, requesting contributions, and posting or distributing handbills, pamphlets, petitions, and the like of any kind on University property or using University resources (including without limitation bulletin boards…