University of Vermont
Public University
Burlington, Vermont
Speech Code Rating
Policy V. 5.24.4: Posting and Solicitation
All postings must comply with the following guidelines. ... All informational materials must clearly identify the sponsor ...
Policy V.2.3.8: Alcohol, Cannabis and Other Drug Use - ÃÛÖÏãÌÒ
The sponsoring organization is responsible for any publicity, advertising, marketing, or promotion that is disseminated in conjunction with the event and must ensure adherence to the following guidelines: ... Advertisements should be consistent with University policy discouraging the demeaning sexual or discriminatory…
Discrimination & Harassment Resources
Discriminatory Harassment: A form of discrimination (defined above) that encompasses an incident(s) of verbal, written, visual, or physical communications and/or conduct based on or motivated by an individual’s actual or perceived membership in a legally protected category that is sufficiently severe, pervasive…
Policy V.7.16.2: Discrimination,Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct
Harassment: A form of discrimination that encompasses an incident or incidents of verbal, written, visual, or physical communications and/or conduct based on or motivated by an individual’s membership in a legally protected category. Harassment may include the use of epithets, stereotypes, slurs…
Policy V. 5.24.4: Posting and Solicitation- Solicitation
Prior registration is not required for casual forms of non-commercial solicitation, such as leafleting, that do not involve the dedicated or exclusive use of University property, provided that access to, or the use of, buildings, grounds, or facilities may be subject to…
Policy V.2.8.10: Code of Student Conduct- Student Rights
[T]he University of Vermont considers freedom of inquiry and discussion essential to a student’s educational development. Thus, the University recognizes the right of all students to engage in discussion, to exchange thought and opinion, and to speak, write, or publish freely on…