University of Southern Indiana
Public University
Evansville, Indiana
Speech Code Rating
Sexual Harassment Policy
Hostile Environment Sexual Harassment means unwelcome verbal, written or physical conduct based on sex, sexual orientation and/or gender identity, that is severe, persistent, or pervasive and has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work or education (including living…
Student Handbook: Free Speech, Peaceful Dissent, Protests and Demonstrations Rights and ResponsibilitiesÂ
In accordance with the University of Southern Indiana’s obligation to promote the free expression of all views, the campus is open to any speaker who registered student organizations, administrators, staff or faculty members have invited and for whom official arrangements to speak…
Student Rights and Responsibilities: Harassment
Harassment is any conduct based on the victim’s actual or perceived identification with a particular protected class or classes that creates an intimidating, offensive or hostile working or learning environment that interferes with the victim’s work or education, or that adversely affects…
Student Rights and Responsibilities: Disorderly Conduct/Indecent Behavior
Disorderly, lewd, indecent, bullying, cyber-bullying or obscene conduct is prohibited, including the expression of such on University-owned or controlled property or at University sponsored or -supervised events, on or off campus.
Student Rights and Responsibilities: Threatening or Intimidating Behavior
Behavior that involves an expressed or implied threat, which includes, but is not limited to the use of words verbal, written or electronic (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.) inherently likely to provide an immediate violent reaction when directed toward a specific individual, or…
Data Communications and Computer Use Policy
Unacceptable activities ... 9. Sending chain letters or unauthorized mass mailings. ... 12. Sending of abusive, harassing, or obscene messages via electronic devices. ... In order to avoid jeopardizing the University’s tax-exempt status, computer facilities and services may not be used for…