Rice University
Private University
Houston, Texas
Speech Code Rating
University Policies: General Policies- Policy on Discrimination and Harassment
Harassment is unwelcome conduct (whether physical, verbal, written, or via technology) that is based on a protected class. Harassment has the purpose or potential effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or educational participation. Harassment violates this policy and is…
University Policies: General Policies- Policy on Discrimination and Harassment
Rice expects all members of the University community to: i. Be respectful of everyone and demonstrate civility toward all, regardless of position or office.
General Announcements: Student Responsibility
The university ... reserves the right to insist on the withdrawal of any student whose conduct it judges to be clearly detrimental to the best interests of either the student or the university. The appropriate authorities take such action only after careful…
University Policies: General Policies- Appropriate Use of Information Technology
Prohibited Uses ... Individuals should not use University technological resources for partisan political purposes.
Code of Student Conduct: Proscribed Conduct
Misuse or Abuse of Computational Facilities, including: ... use of computational facilities to send obscene, abusive, harassing or threatening messages or to engage in stalking behavior or to repeatedly send unwanted email to individuals;
Code of Student Conduct: Proscribed Conduct
a. Mental or Bodily Harm, Reckless Action or Disregard: Intentionally inflicting or attempting to inflict mental or bodily harm on any person, including on the charged student; taking any reckless action, or showing reckless disregard, from which mental or bodily harm could…