Speech Code Rating

Distribution or Sale of NMU Student Publications and Other Written Materials

  • Policy Rating
  • Speech Code Category
    Posting and Distribution Policies
  • Last Updated
A copy of materials that are to be distributed (not posted) must be submitted in advance to the Center for Student Enrichment along with the name of a contact person of the sponsoring organization and/or sponsoring individual. This requirement will be waived…

NMU's Policy and Resource Database: 05.00 Disorderly Conduct

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  • Speech Code Category
    Other Speech Codes
  • Last Updated
Persons shall be guilty of disorderly conduct if, they cause public inconvenience, annoyance, or alarm, or recklessly create a risk thereof, by: 5.01 Engaging in fighting or in violent, tumultuous, or threatening behavior ...

Relationship Violence, Sexual Misconduct, and Stalking Policy (Interim): Sexual or Gender-Based Harassment

  • Policy Rating
  • Speech Code Category
    Harassment Policies
  • Last Updated
Any unwelcome sexual advance, requests for sexual favors, or other unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature, whether verbal, non-verbal, graphic, or physical, when the conditions are outlined in (1), (2), or (3), below, are present. Gender-based harassment is harassment based on gender…

Student Handbook: Student Code- Harassment

  • Policy Rating
  • Speech Code Category
    Harassment Policies
  • Last Updated
FIREshall not engage in any conduct involving harassment of another individual, or group, that would cause a reasonable person to feel terrorized, frightened, intimidated, threatened, harassed, or molested, or that actually causes the victim to feel terrorized, frightened, intimidated, threatened, harassed…

Student Handbook: Student Code- Personal Abuse

  • Policy Rating
  • Speech Code Category
    Harassment Policies
  • Last Updated
FIREshall not verbally abuse, threaten, intimidate, harass, coerce, bully, or exhibit conduct which threatens or endangers the mental or physical health/safety of any person or causes reasonable apprehension of such harm. Personal abuse shall be defined as behavior that is persistent…

Policies for Organizations: Written Materials Policy

  • Policy Rating
  • Speech Code Category
    Protest and Demonstration Policies
  • Last Updated
Northern Michigan University believes in the freedom of students to express opinions and communicate ideas through writing, publishing and distributing student publications and other written materials. In order to provide that freedom within an orderly framework, the following regulations are established for…