Middlebury College
Private University
Middlebury, Vermont
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Civil Rights and Title IX Office: Policies, Laws, and Procedures- Definitions
Harassment “based on an individuals actual or perceived sex” includes sexual harassment. Some common examples include: touching or grabbing a sexual part of a person’s body; touching or grabbing any part of a person’s body after that person has indicated, or it…
Middlebury College Handbook: B.1.a. Non-Discrimination Policy
In accordance with Federal law and the Title IX regulations issued in April 2024, all Title IX Sex-based discrimination and harassment prohibited by this Policy is investigated and adjudicated using Middlebury’s Title IX Investigation & Resolutions Procedure, which applies to:... Unwelcome sex-based…
Middlebury College Handbook: B.2.a. Policies Governing Student Conduct, Residential Life, and Student Organizations- Introductory Matters
Middlebury’s Student Life policies are meant neither to proscribe nor to inhibit discussions, in or out of the classroom, of complex, controversial, or sensitive matters, including sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, race, color, ethnicity, religion, marital status, place of birth, ancestry, national origin, age, or disability, when in the judgment of a reasonable person they arise appropriately and are conducted with respect for the dignity of others. Middlebury also recognizes that verbal conduct can be used specifically to intimidate or coerce and to inhibit genuine discourse, free inquiry, and learning. Such abuses, including but not limited to conduct that violates Middlebury’s General Conduct Standards policies, Anti-Harassment/Discrimination policy, and other Middlebury-Wide Policies, are unacceptable.
Middlebury College Handbook: Community Bias Response Team Policy
The Community Bias Response Team (CBRT) is charged with assessing and communicating an appropriate and comprehensive institutional response to bias incidents and acts of intolerance involving students. The CBRT will involve other members of the community in its response when appropriate. The…
Middlebury College Handbook: I.A.1 Respectful Behavior
Middlebury expects all members of the Middlebury community, as well as visitors, to respect the dignity, freedom, and rights of other persons. Violence in word or deed against another; incitement or provocation to violence; negligent or reckless use of physical force; conduct…
Middlebury College Handbook: I.C.4. Demonstration Regulations
1. Anyone who wishes to hold a demonstration or protest on Middlebury property, whether or not it is in response to another event, must submit an Event Scheduling Request. This is required in order for Middlebury staff and relevant offices to review…