Florida State University
Public University
Tallahassee, Florida
Speech Code Rating
4-OP-H-13 Electronic Mail Policy
Spam - Unwanted and unsolicited email or material created or knowingly disseminated in such a large volume that it tends to disrupt the proper functioning of university information technology resources or individuals' ability to use such resources. Spam is most often sent…
Adopted Regulations: Student Life- FSU-3.003 Freedom of Expression Rights and Responsibilities, Open Platform Areas
ÃÛÖÏãÌÒ’ right to write and distribute literature and to express thoughts and beliefs is acknowledged. Individual students, recognized student organizations, and other student groups may circulate noncommercial literature, provided it is identified by authorship and sponsorship, subject to applicable provisions of Regulation…
Student Conduct Code: Sex Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct
A. Sex Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct ... 2. Sex/Gender-based Harassment. Conduct toward a person based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression that is so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it creates a hostile work or educational environment…
4-OP-H-5 Information Security Policy
Spam - Unwanted and unsolicited email or material created or knowingly disseminated in such a large volume that it tends to disrupt the proper functioning of university information technology resources or individuals' ability to use such resources. Spam is most often sent…
Student Conduct Code: Scope
The University fully recognizes and values the right of all students and individuals to seek knowledge, debate ideas, form opinions, and freely express views in accordance with the expectations set forth in this Code. The University supports the principles of free speech…
Student Conduct Code: Harassment and Bullying Behavior
C. Harassment 1. Conduct, not of a sexual nature, including any gesture, written, verbal or physical act, or any electronic communication (includes text messages and postings on web-sites or social media), that places a person in reasonable fear of harm to their…