Signs, Posters, Banners and Flyers

Colorado State University

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    Posting and Distribution Policies
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In order to prevent visual clutter and damage to buildings and facilities, CSU will enforce limits on location, means of attachment and removal, duration of display, and other requirements to ensure that temporary signs, posters, banners, flyers, and other materials are not left in unauthorized locations or left behind for extended periods or after an event is over.


It is prohibited to post any sign, temporary sign, poster, banner, yard sign, or similar item on university property without official permission, except as expressly provided in this policy....


Posters must be sponsored by an official University business unit (college, department, center, institute, etc.), a registered student organization, or other authorized party for the primary benefit of the University and the sponsoring department or organization. Materials that are primarily commercial in nature will not be permitted.

Posters must carry the name of the sponsoring group. If posters are provided by an outside entity, its logo may be no larger than the University logo and any CSU sponsoring entity marks.
