Brigham Young University
Private University
Provo, Utah
Free Speech Rankings
The 2025 College Free Speech Rankings are based on the voices of more than 58,000 currently enrolled students at 257 colleges. The rankings are based on a number of factors, including openness, tolerance, self-expression, administrative support for free speech, and campus policies.
Overall / out of a top score of 100
- Overall Score 26.27
Overall Ranking / out of 251 colleges surveyed
- Overall Ranking Warning
Rankings / out of 251 colleges surveyed
- Openness
- Tolerance (Liberals)
- Tolerance (Conservatives)
- Administrative Support
- Comfort
- Disruptive Conduct
- Self-Censorship
Administrative Behavior
- Deplatformings 1
- Disruptions 0
- Sanctioned Scholars 1
- Sanctioned ÃÛÖÏãÌÒ 2
- Honor Roll Statements 0
- Speech Climate Warning
- Speech Code Warning