
Pace University: Law School Investigates Student for Alleged “Aggressive Pointing” and Misgendering


Pace University

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Case Overview

On October 15, 2024, Pace University law student Houston Porter moderated a Federalist Society-sponsored panel “Saving Women’s Sports,” which proceeded with minimal interruptions for the first 45 minutes. When Porter opened the floor to questions from the audience, “pandemonium” erupted as audience members jumped out of their seats, pointing and yelling at the panelists, and a professor allegedly rushed the stage. On October 24, Pace notified Porter he was being investigated for alleged sex-based harassment based on an unnamed transgender woman’s complaint that Porter “aggressively pointed” and “purposefully referred to her as a man” at the event. 

FIRE wrote Pace on November 21, urging it to drop the investigation because the alleged “aggressive” pointing and misgendering, which Porter denies, are protected expression, and because it is violating its own commitment to free speech and obligation as an ABA-accredited law school to protect free expression. 
