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Radwan v. University of Connecticut Board of Trustees, et al.

Alongside the Brechner Center for Freedom of Information and the Student Press Law Center, FIREfiled a brief amici curiae in the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in support of Plaintiff-Appellant Noriana Radwan, a former student-athlete at the University of Connecticut. After her soccer team's victory in a conference tournament championship, Radwan flashed her middle finger at a television camera. For this momentary display of celebration, Radwan had her athletic scholarship revoked without due process on a charge of "serious misconduct." Radwan filed a lawsuit alleging violations of her First Amendment and due process rights. On appeal from the district court, amici argue that Radwan's expressive conduct on the field is protected speech, that the prohibition of "serious misconduct" is impermissibly vague, and that her athletic scholarship is a protected property interest entitled to due process before revocation. Amici urge the Second Circuit to reverse the district court's ruling and to protect Radwan's rights and those of other student-athletes.
