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Home and Abroad Pledge
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Pledge your support for academic freedom at home and abroad
The ֭’s “Commitment to Campus Free Expression at Home and Abroad” offers universities a guiding principle to embrace in its agreements and contracts with governments and nongovernmental organizations: Student and faculty free speech and academic freedom rights are of paramount importance.
While universities’ partnerships can provide benefits to students and faculty, they can also pose serious threats to the expressive rights of academic communities — especially partnerships with governments that severely restrict or punish speech. Now is the time for universities to reassess existing partnerships and plan ahead for future agreements.
I would be proud to see my institution publicly endorse this statement and assure its academic community that academic freedom and freedom of expression will be primary considerations in foreign and domestic partnerships. By signing this petition, I am publicly indicating that I support this statement and ask that my institution adopt it as guiding policy.
Commitment to Campus Free Expression at Home and Abroad
[COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY NAME] recognizes that freedom of expression and academic freedom are vital to education and research. [NAME] also recognizes that partnerships with governments, non-governmental organizations, and other institutions offer benefits such as specialized research, training, resources, and opportunities — but may also pose threats to institutional autonomy and student and faculty rights.
To that end, [NAME] will guarantee that any existing or future agreements, grants, or contracts signed by [COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY] do not and will not threaten the academic freedom or expressive rights of any members of its academic community, and [NAME] will embrace transparency by making public the conditions of those grants or contracts. [NAME] will ensure that any students or faculty members planning to study or teach at satellite campuses or engage in scholarship abroad under a [COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY]-managed program are notified in writing of any restrictions on speech or academic freedom they should expect to face.
Donald Downs
Emeritus Professor
University of Wisconsin-Madison
David Ross
Professor of Mathematics
Rochester Institute of Technology
Tim Shiell
Professor and Director, Center for the Study of Institutions and Innovation
University of Wisconsin-Stout
Geoffrey Stone
Edward H. Levi Distinguished Professor of Law
The University of Chicago
Nadine Strossen
New York Law School
Matthew Baddorf
Walters State Community College
Allan Baker
University of Arizona
Greg Carmichael
University of Louisville
Ferrel Christensen
Professor Emeritus
University of Alberta
Thomas Edson
Professor (Emeritus)
Mt. San Antonio College
Matthew Fuzi
George Washington University
David Golub
Yale University, Columbia University
Austin Hansen
Portland Community College
Jane Johnson
Vassar College
Terry Newman
Teaching Assistant/MA Student Sociology
Concordia University Montreal
Robert Schaevitz
University of Pennsylvania
Harvey Silverglate
Princeton University
John Cassidy
Richard Grogan-Crane
James Heaton
John Archer
New York University
Hasala Ariyaratne
Drexel University
John Barrena
Sonoma State University
James Cardwell
University of South Florida
Alan Cook
University of Michigan
Daniella Cressman
New Mexico Highlands University
Steve Elshoff
Ohio Northern University
Eli Feldman
Yale University
Don Joe
Columbia University
Michael Kennedy
Director of Communications & Development
Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms
Kent Lawrence
Brandeis University
Rebecca Howard Madsen
Princeton University
Joel Margolis
Brandeis University
Lauren Minsky
Assistant Professor of History
New York University/ New York University Abu Dhabi
William Morgan
Research Associate
University of Miami
Stephen Padilla
Brett Pike
University of California, Davis
Tyson Richmond
University of South Florida
Roger Russin
George Washington University
Michael Skol
Yale University
Matthew Sylvestre
Bryant University
Mike Toft
University of Minnesota
James Tosone
Stevens Institute of Technology
James Troy
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Lou Villadsen
Ryan Wasser
Graduate Student
West Chester University
Affiliations are for identification purposes only.