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Email from Officer John Lechmanik to the Berkeley Objectivists Club

From: John Lechmanik <johnhl@berkeley.edu>
Date: Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 3:14 PM
Subject: Estimate for Police Services
To: berkeleyobjectivists@gmail.com

To Berkeley Objectivists Club,

In regards to your request for police services.  I come up with the following estimate for your event on 3/3/09.

2 Sergeants @ $94.59 per hour for approximately 3.5 hours $ 662.13
10 Officers @ $73.10 per hour for approximately 3.5 hours $2,558.50

Total $3,220.63.

Until we have further details, this is just an estimate.  It is possible staffing will require 12 officers (or more) which would raise your total cost to approximately $3732.33.

If you have any questions let me know.

Officer John Lechmanik
Special Events
UC Berkeley Police Department
Office   (510) 643-0795
24-Hr   (510) 642-6760
Fax     (510) 643-8224
