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E-Mail from Linda Picklesimer Regarding 'West Georgian' Funding

From: Linda Picklesimer [mailto:lindap@westga.edu]
Sent: Monday, June 29, 2009 3:05 PM
To: 'Douglas C. Vinson'
Cc: 'Melanie McClellan'; 'Teresa Yates'; 'Pauline Gagnon'
Subject: West Georgian funding

The SAFBA Committee has recommended the following funding for the West Georgian for FY 2010 $42,650.00. The following are the recommendations from the committee:

1.      Eliminate the advisor salary of $7500.00. The SAFBA Guidelines do not allow funding of professional staff salaries. It is $7500.00 and not $7000.00 because benefits have to be included in that salary.

2.      Eliminate the $700.00 for newspaper racks. In this year of tough economic times the  racks were not necessary. The argument was given by the West Georgian they just looked nicer and the committee did not feel that was justification for funding them.

3.      Eliminate the $950.00 for advisor travel. Since no students would be going the SAFBA monies cannot be used for professional travel.

4.      Eliminate the $100.00 for CMA membership. The committee deemed this non essential.

5.      The West Georgian could not clearly explain to the committee how the web master's duties and responsibilities were consistent with the suggested stipend of $3920.00. The committee recommended the stipend be $3000.00. This represents a $920.00 reduction in that request.

6.      The committee recommends that if the budget is negatively affected due to ad sales/revenues the paper should consider other ways of controlling costs such as: limiting the number of pages printed, reducing the number of issues, limiting the number of copies printed per issue etc.


Chair SAFBA Committee

Director of Campus Center
678 839-5500
678 839-0661 (fax)
Home of the West Georgia Wolves
