Table of Contents

Four Weeks* Before Event

  • Check availability of potential event dates and make reservation
  • Secure necessary A/V equipment (lectern, projector, lectern microphone, Q&A microphone if necessary)
  • Confirm budget and funding
  • Write rough outline of the event’s program

Two Weeks Before Event

  • Confirm date and time for the event location and catering reservations (if applicable)
  • Add event to campus calendar
  • Create Facebook event page and send invitations
  • Send emails to campus organizations and their leadership announcing the event
  • Ask professors if they could announce the event at the beginning of their classes or via class emails

Create a sign-up for timeslots and divide responsibilities among volunteers for the event, which may include:

  • Organizing pre/post event reception (if applicable)
  • Promotion/marketing
  • Introducing speaker(s)
  • Facilitating and overseeing Q&A session
  • Taking photographs of the event
  • Coordinating event coverage on social media
  • Organize transportation and hospitality for speaker(s) or guest(s)
  • Post flyers around campus with event details
  • Write a press release (if applicable)

Three Days Before Event

  • Announce the event in your classes (with your professors’ permission)
  • Share Facebook event page on social media
  • Pass out handbills or event flyers on campus and outside of popular hangout spots
  • Email volunteers their assigned tasks for the day of the event
  • Prepare an introduction for the speaker(s) or event and some discussion questions, if needed
  • Send press release to local and campus media outlets (if applicable)

Day of Event

  • Morning of event: confirm any catering orders and check A/V equipment
  • Send final reminder to event volunteers with their delegated tasks
  • Pick up catering and drop it off at venue
  • Make sure speaker’s transportation is scheduled and/or meet at an agreed upon location on campus
  • Host an informal reception with speaker(s) and attendees before or after the main event (if applicable)
  • Take pictures and/or record the event


  • Send thank you notes or emails to all parties involved—including funding sources
  • Update social media event page thanking those who attended
  • Compile list of steps taken or roadblocks in planning the event for future event organizers

*Larger events with acclaimed speakers may need four to six months in advance for preparation. Ask your school’s event services office if there is a suggested timeline for planning campus events.
