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University of Central Florida Upholds ā€˜Free Speech Zoneā€™ Policy

°Õ“Ē»å²¹²āā€™s press release highlights the University of Central Floridaā€™s refusal to renounce and repeal its ā€œfree speech zoneā€ policy that quarantines free speech to only four areas of ±«°ä¹óā€™s campus.

±«°ä¹óā€™s Free Assembly Areas Policy states that only ā€œfour areas shall be deemed free assembly areas for the conduct of political activity and other exercises of free speech.ā€ FIREfor a Democratic Society (SDS) got into trouble last spring for holding a series of antiwar protests outside of the school-sanctioned zones. In March, SDS held a protest in cooperation with UCF Campus Peace Action to protest the war in Iraq in front of the student center, which was outside of the free speech zone. Campus police arrived shortly to force the students, who had peacefully assembled, to remove themselves to one of the four ā€œfree speech zones.ā€ In April, the organization held a protest against a feared invasion of Iran along a main campus walkway; again the protest was broken up by campus police.

SDS member Patrick DeCarlo contacted FIREasking for help in challenging ±«°ä¹óā€™s unconstitutional policy. On November 1, FIREwrote to UCF to object to the free speech zones and to encourage UCF to respect the First Amendment rights of its students, pointing out that the law does not allow public universities to transform their campuses into ā€œplaces where constitutional protections are the exception rather than the rule.ā€

On November 17, Youndy Cook, ±«°ä¹óā€™s Associate General Counsel, responded to ĆŪÖ­ĻćĢŅā€™s concerns by essentially ignoring them and suggesting that FIREtake ā€œall of [±«°ä¹óā€™s] regulations governing expressive activities on campusā€ into account when considering the constitutionality of the ā€œfree speech zone policy.ā€ UCF is a public university and therefore is public property governed by the First Amendment; allowing free speech on campus is not optional for UCF, itā€™s mandatory. Policies that state otherwise are unconstitutional, and that goes for these highly restrictive ā€œfree speech zoneā€ policies.

FIRE has had considerable success in fighting ā€œfree speech zonesā€ at West Virginia University, Texas Tech, Citrus College, the University of Nevada at Reno, the University of North Carolinaā€“Greensboro, and most recently at Clemson University. UCF would do well to read the handwriting on the wallā€”tiny, out-of-the-way free speech zones are not congruent with the letter or the spirit of the First Amendment or academic freedom and they must go.

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