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FIREin the ‘New York Post’ on Scandal at SUNY Fredonia

Today’s issue of the New York Post by FIREPresident Greg Lukianoff and Vice President Robert Shibley discussing SUNY Fredonia, where the administration recently denied Professor Stephen Kershnar promotion because he publicly opined on university policies and practices. SUNY Fredonia President Dennis Hefner even attempted to require that Kershnar submit all of his written material to a university committee before publishing—an egregious abuse of Kershnar’s academic freedom and free speech rights. As Lukianoff and Shibley wrote, “While free speech too often comes under assault on campuses these days, President Hefner’s brazen attempt to control a professor’s public speech is in a class by itself. Kershnar should get the promotion he merits and Hefner—or anyone else who seeks to use the office of university president to silence opinions they dislike—should be out of a job.â€

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