Nassau Community College has trampled on the free speech and due process rights of its students and faculty for far too long – but today, you can do something about that.
Two Nassau students, NCC Board of Trustees student trustee Jordon Groom and Academic Senate student chair Grant Peterson, have been silenced and punished. Nassau found the students responsible for discrimination, but Groom and Peterson don’t even know what they were found to have done wrong.
Nassau denied Groom and Peterson the most basic right of any disciplinary process: the right to defend oneself. Think about that: No actual hearing. No chance to provide your own evidence. You don’t even get a copy of the complaint. And then you’re found “responsible” and punished — but for what? They won’t tell you. You say you want to appeal? There are no appeals.
This is a mockery of justice.
If Nassau is allowed to do this to its students, it sends a signal to other colleges that denying students and faculty their rights could go unpunished.
Today, it’s Groom and Peterson. Tomorrow it could be you, your child, or your favorite professor.
With no appeals process available, Groom and Peterson have no way of fighting back against the complaints or their punishments within Nassau’s corrupt system. This is your chance to stand up for the rights of these students — and for the due process rights of all Americans.
Email Nassau Community College now and tell them: Due process is not optional. It is a right. And we will not stand by while it’s ignored.