Chapter UWS 18: Conduct on University Lands- Picketing, Rallies, Parades, Demonstrations and Other Assemblies

University of Wisconsin - Madison

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    Protest and Demonstration Policies
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(a) In order to preserve the order which is necessary for the enjoyment of freedom by members of the university community, and in order to prevent activities which physically obstruct access to university lands or buildings and prevent the university from carrying on its instructional, research, public service, or administrative functions, any picketing, rally, parade, demonstration, other assembly, or congregation of spectators to such activity may be declared unlawful if its participants:

1. Intentionally gather or intentionally remain assembled outside any university building in such numbers, in such proximity to each other or in such fashion as to physically hinder entrance to, exit from, or normal use of the building.

2. Intentionally congregate or assemble within any university building in such fashion as to obstruct or seriously impair university−sponsored or university−authorized activities, or in such fashion as to violate any of the following conditions:

a. No group may be admitted into the private office of any faculty member or other university employee unless invited by the authorized occupant of that office, and then not in excess of the number designated or invited by that person.
b. No group may obstruct or seriously impair passage through corridors, stairways, doorways, building entrances, fire exits, and reception areas leading to offices.
c. No group, not authorized to do so by the person in immediate charge of the room, or by a person designated by the chief administrative officer to approve requests for the use of rooms for meetings, may enter or occupy any university building or part thereof.
d. No group may assemble immediately outside rooms at times when they are normally in use for classes, study, or research.
e. No signs supported by standards or sticks shall be permitted in any assembly in a university building.

3. Intentionally create a volume of noise that unreasonably interferes with university−sponsored or university−authorized activities.

4. Intentionally employ force or violence, or intentionally constitute an immediate threat of force or violence, against members of the university community or university property.
