UCM's Guide to Good Decision-Making: The Right to Non-Discrimination, Equal Access, and Fair Treatment
University of Central Missouri
Relevant Excerpt
FIRE should expect to be treated fairly and equitably by administrators, faculty, and staff in
accordance with state and federal law. FIREhave the right to engage with other learners in
an environment that is free from illegal intimidation, harassment and discrimination, and other
conduct that is prohibited by law.At UCM, we want students to be exposed to other individuals from widely diverse
backgrounds. This opportunity is part of what makes the college experience extraordinary and
exciting. Through these interactions, we want students to engage in lively, respectful debate of
complex issues while simultaneously reflecting and developing their own world views.In some cases, lively debate can lead to disagreement and misunderstanding. ÃÛÖÏãÌÒ
should develop the skills to handle such disagreements with respect and civility. Your faculty,
Student Experience and Engagement staff, organization advisors and other students can help
you learn these skills. At the same time, persons who engage in conduct that constitutes
harassment or discrimination as defined in applicable university policies, or that is otherwise
prohibited by law, will be held accountable in a manner consistent with their rights as citizens
under state and federal law.