Student Handbook: Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct- Conduct Subject to Disciplinary Action

State University of New York - Oswego

  • Speech Code Rating
  • Speech Code Category
    Harassment Policies
  • Last updated
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The College will take disciplinary action against a student or student organization when it is required by law to do so, or when the nature of the conduct:

  1.  Interferes with or is disruptive to the learning environment, College process or activities, and/or educational interests and mission of the College, or
  2. Endangers the health or personal safety of a member(s) of the College community, or
  3. Harms, intimidates, or threatens another member(s) of the College community.

Within the parameters stated above, the following conduct is subject to disciplinary action:


Harassment, intimidation, bullying (including cyberbullying) or coercion toward an individual or group of individuals, that is severe, pervasive, or persistent to a degree that it interferes with a person’s ability to work, learn, live, participate in or benefit from educational activities.


Nonconsensual verbal, non-verbal, or cyber communication of a sexual nature as well as nonconsensual photography, video or audio taping or posting of sexual activity.
