Procedures for Reporting Bias-Related Incidents

State University of New York - Geneseo

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    Policies on Bias and Hate Speech
  • Last updated
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A bias-related incident or bias incident is motivated, in whole or in part, by the offender’s bias against the actual or perceived age, ancestry, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, race, religion, religious practices, sexual orientation, marital status, veteran status, or military status of the targeted person or group, but does not rise to the level of a criminal offense. 
The Bias Prevention and Response Team is comprised of committed students, faculty, and staff members who work to prevent bias-related incidents and support our campus community when these incidents occur. Specifically, this team will be charged with:
Mediating restorative justice conversations between parties involved in bias-related     incidents.
Geneseo is committed to providing an equitable and welcoming climate for all students. Some bias-related incidents and non-inclusive climate behaviors are criminal and will be investigated by the University Police Department, and/or violate Geneseo’s Student Code of Conduct and thus may be addressed in a student conduct proceeding.
When an incident is reported that has been determined to not be illegal or a violation of the Student Code of Conduct, it is still important to recognize the negative impact that it has had on member(s) of our community. When the parties are known, attempts will be made to provide resources and support to those impacted and to provide education to those who caused harm. If all parties are willing, members of the Bias Prevention and Response Team will facilitate a Restorative Justice dialogue with the goal of developing a mutual understanding and repairing any harm that has occurred. Restorative Justice emphasizes repairing the harm caused by negative, inequitable, hurtful behavior. It is best accomplished through cooperative processes that allow all willing involved or impacted individuals to meet, have a dialogue about the harm, and discover a resolution together. The restorative justice process can lead to the transformation of people, relationships, and communities.
