Student Conduct Code: Conduct Regulations

Salem State University

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    Protest and Demonstration Policies
  • Last updated
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15. Violation of the campus event policy which includes:

  • Failing to submit publicity materials for approval to the appropriate office. Publicity materials are defined as non-commercial, written materials including, but not limited to, signs, posters, pamphlets, handbills, circulars, newspapers, and magazines. Publicity materials will only be reviewed to ensure the materials are factually accurate and provide full disclosure of any related terms, conditions, warrants and intentions. Plans to use banners, lawn signs, stands, tables, or booths or to install tents or other temporary structures must also be included in the approval request.
  • Hosting an unapproved event on campus, failing to seek approval for an event within the timelines outlined in the policy, and/or participating in disruptive or illegal activities on campus. ...
  • Not using the correct forum (i.e., traditional public forum, designated public forum, non-public forum). All persons shall comply with the directions of university officials lawfully acting in the performance of their duties. Failure to identify oneself to or comply with the directions of a university official or other public official acting in the performance of their duties while on university property may lead to cancellation of the event. University officials shall not invoke this provision to stifle expression because of its content.