College of the Holy Cross Sexual Misconduct Policy

College of the Holy Cross

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    Harassment Policies
  • Last updated
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Sexual harassment consists of two basic types: ... Hostile Environment Based on Sex. Any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature that is so severe, pervasive and objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to the recipient’s education program or activity ...

Examples of behavior that might be considered sexual harassment include, but are not limited to: ...

• Unwanted sexual innuendo, propositions, sexual attention or suggestive comments and gestures; inappropriate humor about sex or gender-specific traits; sexual slurs or derogatory language directed at another person’s sexuality, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation or gender expression; insults and threats based on sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation or gender expression; and other oral, written or electronic communications of a sexual nature that an individual communicates is unwanted and unwelcome.
• Written graffiti or the display or distribution of sexually explicit drawings, pictures, or written or electronic materials; sexually charged name-calling; or the circulation, display, or creation of e-mails, text or social media messages, or web sites of a sexual nature.
• Display or circulation of written or electronic materials or pictures degrading to an individual or gender group where such display is not directly related to academic freedom, or to an educational/pedagogical, artistic, or work purpose.
• Unwelcome physical contact or suggestive body language, such as touching, patting, pinching, hugging, kissing, or brushing against an individual’s body.
• Physical coercion or pressure of an individual to engage in sexual activity, or punishment for a refusal to respond or comply with sexual advances.
