Temporary Policy for Safe Campus Demonstrations
Barnard College
Relevant Excerpt
This policy applies to any demonstrations on campus (hereinafter “Demonstrations”), defined as a group of people coming together in an audible, nonsilent event of public expression, including for the purpose of conducting a nonsilent vigil. This policy therefore exempts Demonstrations from the Barnard College Campus Events and Approval Policy, which previously grouped Demonstrations with other campus events. This policy does not apply to events requiring indoor space or outdoor activities that have a purpose other than public expression, including tabling; such events and activities continue to be governed by the Campus Events and Approval Policy. ...
Time Availability. The Designated Demonstration Area will be available to current students, faculty, staff, and Barnard-recognized student groups for Demonstrations from 12 noon to 6 p.m. on Monday through Friday when classes are in session (excluding reading days, exam periods, and College holidays).
Notice and Registration. Given Barnard’s small campus size and limited staffing capabilities, Demonstrations may take place in the Designated Demonstration Area within the available time window only upon advance notice and registration. Those seeking to demonstrate must submit an Intent to Demonstrate to Events Management at least 36 hours in advance of the requested Demonstration date and time. The College will use content-neutral criteria to confirm registration, generally within one business day. An expedited registration and confirmation process for counter-Demonstrations is set forth below. Other requests for exceptions to the notice period based on exceptional circumstances may be made to Events Management; such requests will be considered using content-neutral criteria but will rarely be granted given staffing limitations. A calendar of registered Demonstrations will be available on the Barnard website, and the College will add Demonstrations to the calendar as soon as their registration is confirmed.
Counter-Demonstrations. Those seeking to engage in a counter-Demonstration on the same day as a Demonstration must file an Intent to Demonstrate no later than 8 hours after the Demonstration appears on the calendar of registered Demonstrations and no fewer than 8 hours before the Demonstration is to begin. Events Management will confirm the request for a counter-Demonstration if the original Demonstration request estimated that fewer than 100 people will attend the Demonstration, and the counter-Demonstration request estimates that fewer than 100 people will attend the counter-Demonstration. If confirmed, each Demonstration will then take place on a separate part of the Designated Demonstration Area with a physical division between Demonstrations. No more than two registrations will be confirmed for the same day and time.