Student Handbook: Free Speech, Peaceful Dissent, Protests and Demonstrations Rights and Responsibilities 

University of Southern Indiana

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    Protest and Demonstration Policies
  • Last updated
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In accordance with the University of Southern Indiana’s obligation to promote the free expression of all views, the campus is open to any speaker who registered student organizations, administrators, staff or faculty members have invited and for whom official arrangements to speak have been made with the University.

The right of free speech at the University also includes the right to acts of peaceful dissent, protests in a peaceable assembly and orderly demonstrations. These are permitted on the USI campus. However, the University may regulate the time, place and manner in order to prevent unreasonable interference or disruption of the University’s educational, research, outreach and business functions, normal or scheduled uses of University property by the campus community, as well as protecting public health, safety and welfare.

All individuals and groups planning to engage in speech and expressive activities of the sort described in the previous paragraph should register in advance with the Dean of FIREOffice to allow the University the opportunity to provide space that accommodates the reasonable needs of both the University community and those engaged in acts of speech or protest.

The following locations on the USI campus are available for speech and expressive activities by members of the public, members of the USI community and guests:
• the lawn area south of Rice Library
• the lawn area between the Physical Activities Center (PAC) and Recreation, Fitness and Wellness Center (RFWC)
• the lawn to the north of the Wright Administration building

In addition, the following general conditions of use apply to all areas of the University campus:
• Activities may not be conducted in a manner that violates any federal, state or local law.
• Activities may not be conducted in a manner or at a time or place that is either incompatible with or unreasonably interferes with the educational, research, service or other legitimate functions of the University.
• Activities may not be conducted in a manner that violates the rules, regulations, or policies of the University of Southern Indiana including Student Rights and Responsibilities: A Code of Student Behavior (Appendix C, Sections C 10 and 11).
• Activities may not be conducted in a manner that violates applicable fire or safety regulations.
• Activities may not disrupt academic activity, block egress (i.e. block safe access to exits and entrances, hallways, sidewalks, streets etc.) or pose a threat to the personal safety of community members.

Violations of these policies may result in appropriate disciplinary action and/or arrest, in accordance with applicable law and University policies and procedures.
