Campus Climate Incident Response Team

Trinity College

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    Policies on Bias and Hate Speech
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Bias incident

An offense which may not reach the threshold of criminality yet manifests evidence of the perpetrator’s bias against the victim because of his/her actual or perceived race; gender; gender identity; religion; sexual orientation; ethnicity; national origin, or disability of criminality. Such incidents can include taunting, verbal harassment, bullying, intimidation, or the posting or circulating of demeaning jokes or documents.

Bullying and cyber-bullying

The repeated use by one or more students of a written, oral or electronic communication, such as cyber-bullying, directed at or referring to another person(s); or physical acts or gestures by one or more persons repeatedly directed at another(s) and which causes physical or emotional harm or damage to property, fear of the same, or otherwise impinges on a person’s ability to participate in education or work purposes, (see CT Public Act 11-232).

Campus Climate

The behaviors, interactions, attitudes, policies, practices, and language that shape and inform student, faculty, and staff experiences and perceptions of inclusion, belonging, and respect within the Trinity community.


Harassment is a form of discrimination involving verbal, written, or physical conduct, based on or motivated by an individual’s actual or perceived membership in a protected class, that has the purpose or effect of:

substantially undermining and detracting from, or interfering with, an individual’s educational or work performance or access to resources; or
creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational, work, or school-related living environment.


Comprising of students, faculty members, administrators, and exempt and non-exempt staff members, the campus climate incident response team seeks to promote inclusion and equity through its focus on the Trinity community’s responses to incidents that are harmful to the campus climate and therefore merit the attention of the campus climate incident response team This team neither investigates nor adjudicates alleged violations of college policy.


The team will be provided with the appropriate information to assess the situation, identify the resources and community outreach needed, and develop a plan to respond to the incident. Potential community follow-up includes: small group discussions, town halls, forums, emails to the college, community gatherings, education sessions, and small group discussions.
