Publicity & Solicitation Guidelines

Tarleton State University

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    Posting and Distribution Policies
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Section 2: Publicity For the purpose of these guidelines, publicity is defined as any printed materials intended to be posted and/or displayed on Tarleton State University property. This includes but is not limited to, flyers, posters, banners, sandwich board/Aframe signs, and yard signs. Violation of this policy could result in the removal or confiscation of such materials.

2.1 General Guidelines Any publicity or solicitation, as defined by this policy, must:

• be reviewed and approved by Student Media prior to display or distribution. Additional approval may be required depending on the type or location; ...
• not promote discriminatory, subversive, or unlawful behavior; ...


All flyers, posters, and handbills must meet the above General Guidelines outlined in Section 2.1 and be stamped by Student Media or appropriate designee prior to being displayed or distributed. Exceptions include signs made by the TTS/TTP, cheerleaders, students running for elective office within the Tarleton Student Government Association or building signage (permanent or temporary) created and/or approved by the respective facility manager. Flyers and posters must:

• Be approved and stamped by Student Media at The Source (see section 2.2.1). ...
• include the name of the sponsoring individual, organization, or department.
