Policy No. C005: Rights of FIREand Other Persons to Assemble for the Purpose of Demonstrating Their Concerns

Pennsylvania Western University, Edinboro

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    Protest and Demonstration Policies
  • Last updated
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The time, place, and manner of exercising speech and advocacy on the campus are subject to the following regulations that provide for noninterference with University functions and reasonable protection to persons from practices that would make them involuntary audiences. Individuals are not required to register for use of grounds generally open to the public. Individuals or groups wishing to reserve University facilities (including athletic fields) to assemble on the Edinboro University campus must submit a request ...

For the purposes of these regulations, "grounds  open to the public generally" are defined as the outdoor areas of the campus (i.e. lawns, patios, and plazas) that are adjacent to campus buildings and parking lots.
