Residence Life Office Polices and Procedures: Flags and Banners

Davidson College

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The Davidson College Statement of Purpose states “As a college that welcomes students, faculty, and staff from a variety of nationalities, ethnic groups, and traditions, Davidson values diversity, recognizing the dignity and worth of every person.â€

Flags and banners may be hung out of the windows of resident rooms and off Martin Court apartment porches, provided they are not in conflict with the above referenced principle.


Flags and banners must be registered with RLO prior to hanging them and may not be displayed until the registering person has received written notification from RLO and the permission of the roommate(s) or apartment-mates...

Items that may conflict with the Statement of Purpose will be referred to the Flag and Banner Committee (FBC) for prompt review, and the majority decision will determine outcome. Any member of the community who objects to a flag or banner may request the FBC review the item and/or have RLO facilitate a conversation between that individual and the person displaying the flag.
