
Student Organizations - Advertisement (posters, notices, handbills, fliers, banners, yard signs and electronic media)

Bowling Green State University

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    Posting and Distribution Policies
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(1) أغض­دمجز, faculty, staff and other members of the university community may place posters, notices, or fliers on university kiosks and general-purpose bulletin boards only. All postings must be sponsored by a university organization, department or office. There is no posting permitted on departmental bulletin boards within university buildings without the permission of that particular department. Non-university groups or individuals are permitted to post on external university kiosks only.
(2) There is no posting permitted in locations other than those designated in this policy. Specifically, there is no posting permitted on doors, vehicles, trash cans, cigarette butt holders, windows, light poles, trees, telephone poles, building signs, any other areas of a building, whether inside or outside, or any other object or area. The only exception to this policy is the posting of spirit signs on the outside of buildings by the spirit organization “SICSIC,â€‌ or other exceptions as given by the Dean of أغض­دمجز.
