Bias Incident Response Protocol
Bowdoin College
Relevant Excerpt
Definition of and Communication about an Act of Bias
An act of bias includes hate speech and/or threats (including those conveyed through graffiti),
and unequal treatment or service. It may also include actions that reinforce stereotypes and
stigmas, such as those associated with race, color, ethnicity, social class, national origin,
religion, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, age, marital status, veteran
status, and physical and mental disability, among others. An act of bias can occur whether an
act is intentional or unintentional.Speech and related actions in the service of academic freedom and intellectual discourse do not
constitute acts of bias....
Reporting an act of bias is essential to holding accountable those responsible for such actions.
If the offender is a Bowdoin College student, the Bowdoin College Social Code and/or Academic Code will apply and the response will be coordinated by the Office of the Dean of ÃÛÖÏãÌÒ, which is responsible for the administration of the Student Disciplinary Process at the College.